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At Abbots Hall Primary Academy, we believe the early stages of a child's life to be most important in laying foundations for future learning. At Abbots Hall Primary Academy, all Reception class pupils start school in September and are offered a full time place.

All parents who wish their children to attend our school are required to apply to Thurrock Council’s Admissions Department early in the year (a date is published) preceding the Academic Year that the child is due to be admitted into school.

The Local Authority encourages all applications to be made on the Thurrock Council Website.

Link to Thurrock admissions page

Over-subscription criteria:

Where there are more applicants than places, the following over-subscription criteria (admission criteria) will be used for deciding which applications have priority. These criteria are set out below in the order in which they are applied.

1. Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children – Looked After Children and children previously looked after will automatically be given first priority over other categories where priority is claimed on the application form and validated by the local authority.

2. Special reasons - pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs (or an Education Health and Care Plan) where the school is named in the Statement or Plan

3. Catchment area siblings – Children whose normal place of residence is in the catchment area of the school at the closing date for applications, and who will have a sibling at the school at the point of admission, in distance order with those living closer having higher priority.

4. Catchment area children – Children whose normal place of residence is in the catchment area at the closing date for applications in distance order with those living closer having higher priority.

5. Non-catchment area siblings –Children whose normal place of residence is outside the catchment area of the school at the closing date for applications and who will have a sibling at the school at the point of admission in distance order with those living closer having higher priority.

6. Non-catchment area children – Children whose normal place of residence is outside the catchment area at the closing date for applications in distance order with those living closer having higher priority.

More information about our school admission procedures can be found in the document below: